Friday, 25 November 2016

Week 7 Term 4

This week in extension maths we have been working on our dream rooms and we have been having to make nets because most of our accessories need to be 3D. The people in my group are Benedict and Aston and we have already made a 3D circle Bed and a 3D TV with a picture of A football game on it so it looks like the TV is on. We have printed of some paintings to put on our walls.

I have also been working on my thinkers keys because I need to finish that before the end of the term.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Tech Emergency LED

This is the Image on the front of my emergency tech LED light

Friday, 18 November 2016

Week 6 Term 4

This week we have been doing a lot of inquiry with Jack, Luke and Liam, our inquiry is about sustainability so we are doing a play about hunters. We took a survey with 31 people, 20/31 people think hunting is bad and 11/31 people think hunting is good. In our play we show why hunting is good and why hunting is bad, Jack and I are the hunters and Liam is the wild pig and Luke is the tui. We have a interviewer and a person getting interviewed so there are facts in the play and a fun part too.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Learning Goals and Talent Show

Jack and I have decided to enter the school talent show and we will be performing a double bottle flip, how this works is one of us will land a bottle flip then the other one will land one straight after. We will both be using some gatorade bottles and we will be practising in the weekend so we are sure to land them at the talent show. We are expecting to win this by far because we know we will land it.

Some stuff I am working on this term is my linking for handwriting and understanding the text better when I am reading. I have already started practising my linking.