Monday 30 October 2017

Picture Writing

I was told to meet Corey at 12:00PM no earlier no later. I was told to meet Corey at the Cafe on Brunswick Road. I was told to meet him on the second seat across from the front door. There was something sceptical about this, I have never met him, I don’t know what he looks like, how old he is or anything else about him.

Anyway I decided to go, I have got nothing to lose. I had a sleepless night thinking of all of the scenarios that could possibly happen. I fell asleep at about 6:30AM, I was in a deep sleep probably because I needed it and I didn’t sleep the whole night. I wake, get out of bed and check my phone and the time says 11:33, Im screaming in my head but I keep quiet. I put on my best suit, do my hair and by the time I leave it’s 11:51. It felt like I honked my horn a thousand times on the way, traffic always seems to go slow when i’m in a rush.

I arrive at 12:01PM and slowly walk over to the second seat across from the front door. I see a light brown briefcase sitting on the chair not sure whether to open it or not. I decide to open it, and what I see is a small red glass bottle with some sort of liquid in it. I have nothing to lose so I drink it. Instantly everything looks different, it’s like I travelled to the future...

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Matahiwi Marae Trip

Today all of the year 8 students and teachers went to the Matahiwi Marae. We had been learning about who speaks first and when we sing and things like that. We sung our school song after some people at the marae did a talk. We had a bite to eat after about an hour of singing and eating. Later on the three people who were welcoming us onto the marae showed and talked to us about the main meeting hall ( the wharenui ), the other eating hall and the front gate where we do the singing and talking.

Monday 13 March 2017


Today was our second lesson of Mandarin ( Chinese ). we have it every monday. This lesson we learned how to write our names in Chinese. I really enjoy learning Mandarin, here is a photo of my name in chinese.

Friday 9 December 2016

Term 4 Week 9

School is almost out and there is only one week left ! Next week we have swimming on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. For the first three days of swimming ( Monday Tuesday and Thursday ) we are swimming at the Havelock North High School pool, and on Friday we are swimming at the Village Pools in Havelock North. After next Friday we have six weeks holidays !! I can't wait for the holidays.

This week we have been mostly just finishing off unfinished work. We have also been drawing mexican skulls and that was pretty fun, here's a picture of a mexican skull.
Image result for mexican skullImage result for mexican skull

Friday 2 December 2016

Week 8 Term 4

This week on thursday we watched some of the palmerston sport. our school was against palmerston in Cricket, Table Tennis, Rugby, Tennis, Badminton, Volleyball and Basketball. I'm not too sure if we won and what we won but I think we lost Badminton and Table Tennis but that's all I know.

I was away sick on wednesday. Our class started playing murder on Tuesday here is how to play. 
The teacher gives us all a piece of paper with something like " get someone to touch your shirt" written on it. everyone is trying to get someone to do the thing that is written on their piece of paper. If someone gets you out then you will be out and not be able to play until the next round. This game can go on for days.

Friday 25 November 2016

Week 7 Term 4

This week in extension maths we have been working on our dream rooms and we have been having to make nets because most of our accessories need to be 3D. The people in my group are Benedict and Aston and we have already made a 3D circle Bed and a 3D TV with a picture of A football game on it so it looks like the TV is on. We have printed of some paintings to put on our walls.

I have also been working on my thinkers keys because I need to finish that before the end of the term.

Monday 21 November 2016

Tech Emergency LED

This is the Image on the front of my emergency tech LED light

Friday 18 November 2016

Week 6 Term 4

This week we have been doing a lot of inquiry with Jack, Luke and Liam, our inquiry is about sustainability so we are doing a play about hunters. We took a survey with 31 people, 20/31 people think hunting is bad and 11/31 people think hunting is good. In our play we show why hunting is good and why hunting is bad, Jack and I are the hunters and Liam is the wild pig and Luke is the tui. We have a interviewer and a person getting interviewed so there are facts in the play and a fun part too.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Learning Goals and Talent Show

Jack and I have decided to enter the school talent show and we will be performing a double bottle flip, how this works is one of us will land a bottle flip then the other one will land one straight after. We will both be using some gatorade bottles and we will be practising in the weekend so we are sure to land them at the talent show. We are expecting to win this by far because we know we will land it.

Some stuff I am working on this term is my linking for handwriting and understanding the text better when I am reading. I have already started practising my linking. 

Thursday 27 October 2016

Term 4 week 3 Tech

Today in tech we did some more soldering and this is a picture of my one.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Term 4 week 1

This week we have all been practicing high jump because athletics is coming up and i can jump 1 meter and 15cm . I might be able to be in the house high jump team. My sub committee is gardening so i will be planting seeds behind my class with the new world little garden plants.

This is the first week of the last term and i will miss mrs august next year she is a great teacher. 

We have also been doing very cool landscape art and I drew a beach with some hills and the sky.

Monday 12 September 2016

Week 7 Term 3

This week I have been doing my Rio Report, I have learned that there are over 6.3 million people In Rio.and that there is a lot of huge beach hotels.

We have also been learning about algebra in maths and i have learned about patterns and how to find what a letter like x or y value in maths  

I have almost finished my Paralympic Athlete Project and I am doing my one on a paralympian called Richard Whitehead and he has no real legs so he has to use prosthetic legs when he runs and fake metal legs when we is normally walking around

I am in a group with Jack and Luke for our project proposal and we have just finished writing our letter to Mrs. Beaumont to paint the goal posts. 

Friday 29 July 2016

Term 3 Week 1

                            Term 3 Week 1

This week we all did a story on earthquakes, we did this because we recently had an earthquake that we felt. I found out that we have around 5 earthquakes every 24 hours but we just don't feel them all. Here is my writing I did on earthquakes.

Earthquakes can be very destructive and you can tell how big they are online by going to on your browser. It’s truly amazing how many earthquakes happen in a city within 24 hours. We had about 5 earthquakes in the last 24 hours in our country. The biggest ones magnitude was 4.3 . The 1931 napier earthquake magnitude was 7.8, it was on tuesday 3rd of february 1931 at 10:47am. One day ago in the south island there was a strong 5.0 earthquake. In the napier earthquake 256 people died. There was two major aftershocks in the napier earthquake, there was a 6.4 magnitude aftershock on the 5 days after and a 7.3 magnitude aftershock 10 days after.

I was away on Thursday because i had a really sore stomach.
I missed tech yesterday sadly but i was not feeling well at all.
Today we have Electives and I am doing Peak Fitness.

Term 3 Week 1

                            Term 3 Week 1

This week we all did a story on earthquakes, we did this because we recently had an earthquake that we felt. I found out that we have around 5 earthquakes every 24 hours but we just don't feel them all. here is my writing I did on earthquakes.

Earthquakes can be very destructive and you can tell how big they are online by going to on your browser. It’s truly amazing how many earthquakes happen in a city within 24 hours. We had about 5 earthquakes in the last 24 hours in our country. The biggest ones magnitude was 4.3 . The 1931 napier earthquake magnitude was 7.8, it was on tuesday 3rd of february 1931 at 10:47am. One day ago in the south island there was a strong 5.0 earthquake. In the napier earthquake 256 people died. There was two major aftershocks in the napier earthquake, there was a 6.4 magnitude aftershock on the 5 days after and a 7.3 magnitude aftershock 10 days after.

I was away on thursday because i had a really sore stomach.
I missed tech yesterday sadly but i was not feeling well at all.
Today we have Electives and I am doing Peak Fitness.

Friday 1 July 2016

Mythbusters - Slo Mo Guys
This video was very interesting because the jelly expanded in to long thin pieces and it all split up. It happened because the tennis raquet has wholes in it meaning that the jelly will split into pieces the size of the raquets wholes and the pieces even expanded into long strips. Jelly is very soft and easy to split and break so the force of the tennis raquet hitting the jelly split it up into lots of pieces because of the force of the raquet.
This video was very interesting because i play football and I have been hit in the face before and now I know what it does to my body and what it looks like in slow motion. because your cheeks are loose and easy to move so the ball pushed the cheeks in a different direction. The soccer ball was hitting his face with a reasonable fast speed forcing his face to go the same direction as the ball.
This was interesting because I have done it before and its cool to see other people doing it because that put it in slower slow motion because they have a proper expensive camera. The rubber bands were forcing the watermelon to split in half because the were making the watermelon tight in the middle so it's sort of splitting it in half and explode.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Week 8 Term

                                Week 8 Term 2 

This week at extension maths we have been comparing fractions, Here is an Example: Is 5/7 + 3/8 bigger or less than a half ? We have also been practising for the mathletics competition.

This week we have also been learning about pubertal health most people are discussed and they keep laughing but it is actually something we all need to learn for our future. In puberty we have been learning about wet dreams and periods.

We have food tech today and we are making our big mama mia pizzas. In food tech Jack is my cooking partner so we are making our mama mia pizza together and we are doing the food pyramid for our design.

Thursday 9 June 2016

Week 6 Term 2 H.N.I

                         Week 6 Term 2 H.N.I  

In extension maths we have been learning how to do any 11 times table like 5263 x 11 = 57893 If you want to know how to do it come to me and i will be very happy to teach you.

We have been writing our speeches and I am doing my one on Being Famous As A Child. I'm making it serious and funny because I think a good speech needs a bit of both. 

Tuesday 31 May 2016

A healthy Brain Learning at H.N.I

         A healthy Brain Learning at H.N.I 

Today we all made a mindmup about our brains, well actually how to have a healthy brain here is a link to my one

Friday 20 May 2016

Week 3 Term 2 H.N.I

                                       Week 3 Term 2

At extension maths we have been doing our statistical investigations and we have to do scale drawings and we are starting to present our statistical investigations. Today i started my scale drawing and its looking good but the measurements are not exactly right. I am enlarging my favourite football teams logo. 

Yesterday was really fun because we got to plan our on day !!! I think we should do it more.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Week 2 Term 2

                               Week 2 Term 2

This week we have learned lots of parts of the human body in class.

At extension maths we have been starting to presentate our statistical investigations on different types of charts, like pie graph, stem and leaf plot, bar graph and more. We are also doing scale drawings and that is making and image smaller or bigger by a scale factor of 2. I am enlarging my favorite football teams logo. 

This week we have also been doing football for lunchtime sport and i have done it the last two times and the first time we won 3-1 and the second game we had a draw 0-0.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Week 10

                                This Week

This week I have learned how to play Ki o rahi and we learned that it  is played in france as a competitive sport, its hard to explain how to play it but it is really fun. If u want to know how to play it you could search it on google.

In our class we have a thing called banqer were we get fake money and we can buy small things in real life with our fake money. Jack Liam and I have made a company where we own the desks and chairs. We each get $830.33 a week on banqer and that is alot !!

Thursday 31 March 2016

Week 9 H.N.I

                              Week 9 At H.N.I

In the past few weeks I and the rest of the class has learned a lot of maori words, we have even been starting to write a bit in maori.

Last weekend was easter and it was loads of fun, my mums birthday was on easter so we had double the fun. We went out for lunch on easter at pernel. 

I got into extension maths at school and I have learned so much there, like turning division into multiplication and we have been learning about if numbers are divisible by 1 - 11.

We have also been learning about ANZAC day and the war. Women were not aloud to fight in the war but they could be nurses and they could cook food for the soldiers. I found out some of the guns they used in the war here are some of them 

  • 303 Enfield rifles.This
  • 455 Wembly revolvers.                                 Gun Is the                                    303 Enfield
  • Light Field Artillery.                                  
  • Vickers Heavy Machine Gun.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Week 7

                                           Week 7

This week we did our weekly tuesday music lessons where we learn how to play the guitar, so far we have learned G, A7, D, Em.

My class and I have been our blogs, you are on my blog right now. I think it's really cool to have our own blog so we can post and comment on our classmate/ friends blog posts.

We played lunchtime sport this week and we won by default.

In science for technology we have learned so much and had so much fun.

Friday 26 February 2016

Week 4 Term 1 H.N.I

                                                 Week 4

This week we did some awesome quilling.

I loved doing quilling, I'm still doing mine.

We had lunchtime sport cricket again and we lost... again

We did our class lesson on music on Tuesday as well.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Week 3 Term 1 H.N.I

                                           Week 3 

This week we did our second music lesson. We did it on Tuesday. I'm really enjoying music so far. 

Also I played for the lunch time sport team and we lost 30-50 

We are learning Alphabet Aerobics the last few weeks I have already done my one on film. Luke and I are filming the Alphabet Aerobics.

On Wednesday we did some P.E relays. That was really fun !!

Friday 12 February 2016

Week 2 Term 1 H.N.I

                           Week 2 At H.N.I

This week on Thursday we had swimming sports trials to get into the actual races against the top swimmers in year 7 at H.N.I.

On Thursday another thing we did was our first tech lesson, which was just learning about famous New Zealanders who have made amazing inventions like the Blo-Kart. 

On Tuesday we had our first music lesson and we have to decorate our front page in our music books for homework.

On Wednesday we learned how to play non-stop cricket, we played a practice game against Room 6 we won about 120-70.